
Corporate Workshops

Corporate Luncheon Workshops

The Corporate Luncheon Workshops are independent from the ISLH educational content. Please review the available workshops below. Details are subject to change.

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Thursday, May 9


Beckman Coulter - Translating Science into Patient Care: New Results on Early Sepsis Indicator Performance in Real-life Clinical Settings.

Chair: Elena Sukhacheva, Ph.D.
Beckman Coulter, Nyon, Switzerland

First Results of Sepsis Detection with Early Sepsis Indicator in the Emergency department in Taiwan
Dr. Julian Chen-June Seak, M.D., MSc.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Lin-Kou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial, Taiwan School of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taiwan, Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine

Performance Evaluation of Early Sepsis Indicator in ASAN Medical Center Emergency Department
Professor Chan-Jeoung Park, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASAN Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Sepsis is a complex and severe syndrome associated with a dysregulated immune response against infection, affecting more than 30 million patients worldwide§. Early detection of sepsis or infection, which may progress to sepsis, is extremely important as it can improve patient outcomes and save money. Beckman Coulter technology with near-native state cellular analysis made it possible to bring the new sepsis biomarker, Early Sepsis Indicator (ESId), to the hematology platform. With this innovation today, the hematology laboratory plays a vital role in rapidly identifying septic patients or those who are at high risk of developing sepsis. We invite you to join Beckman Coulter’s ISLH 2020 workshop to learn the latest news on ESId performance in the real-life clinical settings at Lin-Kou Medical Center in Taiwan and ASAN Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. §: WHO